Next.js vs Gatsby

August 17, 2021

Next.js vs Gatsby

Web development has never been easier thanks to popular frameworks like Next.js and Gatsby. Both of these frameworks are built on top of React and have gained popularity among developers worldwide. In this blog post, we’ll review and compare the two frameworks so you can decide which one suits your project the best.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a React framework that allows for server-side rendering and supports static site generation. It enables developers to create fast and efficient web applications using React. Next.js has several advantages like code splitting, automatic server rendering, and good developer experience. It’s used by popular websites like Hulu, Discord, and MobX.

What is Gatsby?

Gatsby is another React-based framework that focuses on building static sites. It includes features like progressive web app (PWA) support and image optimization. Gatsby has several advantages like fast build times, great developer experience, and plugin ecosystem. It’s used by popular websites like Airbnb, IBM, and PayPal.

Next.js vs Gatsby: A Comparison

Build Time

Gatsby is known for its incredibly fast build times, partially due to its static site generation feature. On the other hand, Next.js offers dynamic rendering, which means it needs to build each page on the server every time it is requested, leading to slower build times. However, it offers an incremental build feature that makes build times faster over time.

Winner: Gatsby


Both frameworks offer server-side rendering, which helps with performance, but Gatsby takes the lead due to its caching mechanism and static site generation, which results in fast page loads.

Winner: Gatsby

Developer Experience

Next.js offers a great developer experience thanks to its built-in features, including automatic code splitting and server rendering. Gatsby does not have the same level of out-of-the-box features but does have a great plugin ecosystem that allows developers to add new features to their sites easily.

Winner: Next.js

Learning Curve

Both frameworks have similar learning curves, given their React roots. However, Next.js has some additional concepts that might require more time to grasp.

Winner: Gatsby


Next.js is more flexible than Gatsby and can be used for both server-side rendering and client-side rendering. Gatsby, on the other hand, is built specifically for static site generation, making it less flexible.

Winner: Next.js


In conclusion, both Next.js and Gatsby are great frameworks that offer excellent benefits to developers. However, each has its strengths and weaknesses that differ depending on the project requirements. If you’re building a static site like a blog or e-commerce website, Gatsby might be the best choice for you. For applications that require server rendering and more flexibility, Next.js is the way to go.


  1. "Next.js Documentation.", 2021,

  2. "Gatsby JS.", 2021,

  3. "Airbnb Engineering & Data Science." Airbnb Engineering, 2021,

  4. "Gatsby JS.", 2021,

  5. "Hulu Tech Blogs." Hulu Tech, 2021,

  6. "PayPal Engineering." PayPal Engineering Blog, 2021,

  7. "Discord Engineering." Discord Engineering Blog, 2021,

  8. "MobX." MobX, 2021,

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